Intensive Learning Centers (ILC) (3 classrooms)
ILC-1 - (Grades PreK-2) This classroom is designed for children with intensive disabilities, which affect all areas of their development including cognition, communication, physical, social-emotional, and self-care skills. An educator certified in intensive special needs leads this full-day program with related service providers to target all domains of development. Paraprofessionals, trained and supervised by the lead teacher provide carryover and direct instruction throughout the full-day program.
ILC-2 - (Grades 3-5) & ILC-3 (Grades 6-8) These classrooms service students with developmental profiles who require more time in a specialized classroom in order to make effective progress in school. Integration into the general education setting is determined by the student’s IEP. A greater emphasis is placed on the acquisition of basic reading, language and math skills. Students receive a modified curriculum in various subjects in these small specialized classrooms.
Intensive Resource Room (IRR) - Grades PreK-1
Students receive discrete trial instruction and social skills intervention in this specialized classroom. Instructional methodology is primarily based on, but not limited to, the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Principles of ABA may include the use of positive behavior interventions, systematic instruction of skills across all domains of learning to foster increasing independence in the educational learning environment, instructional plans that break down skills across all domains into manageable increments and are taught from least to most complex, error-less instruction, task analysis, analysis of targeted intermittent collection of data and adjustment of instruction based on data, and planned and naturally occurring opportunities to acquire and practice skills and concepts. Paraprofessional support is provided to support students when generalizing skills in regular classrooms.
Intensive Resource Room (IRR) - Grades 2 & 3
Students receive discrete trials and social skills intervention in this specialized classroom. Instructional methodology is primarily based on, but not limited to, the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Principles of ABA may include the use of positive behavior interventions, systematic instruction of skills across all domains of learning to foster increasing independence in the educational learning environment, instructional plans that break down skills across all domains into manageable increments and are taught from least to most complex, error-less instruction, task analysis, analysis of targeted intermittent collection of data and adjustment of instruction based on data, and planned and naturally occurring opportunities to acquire and practice skills and concepts. Paraprofessional support is provided to support students when generalizing skills in regular classrooms.
Structured Learning Classroom (SLC) - Grades 6-8
Self-contained classroom designed to support and assist students who have had difficulty being successful in the regular school setting. Students in this classroom have shown behavioral and/or emotional challenges that greatly impacted their ability to reach their full potential, both academically and socially. This classroom provides students the opportunity to learn and demonstrate coping skills prior to transitioning back to mainstream classrooms.
Education, Life Skills, & Transition (ELT 1 & 2)
These classrooms implement a curriculum that is tailored to the needs and functioning of each student. The Life Skills component focuses on following directions, communication, self-management/ monitoring, organization, attention/focus, self-advocacy. The transition component is designed to help prepare students to transition to a post secondary setting focusing on educational options, vocational skills, community resources and independent living skills. ELT 1 has students with more intensive needs than ELT 2.
Structured Learning Classroom (SLC)
Resource Classroom designed to support and assist students who have had difficulty being successful in the regular school setting. Students in this classroom have shown behavioral and/or emotional challenges This classroom provides students the opportunity to learn and demonstrate coping skills prior to transitioning back to mainstream classrooms.
Regional School District
621 Main Street
Wilbraham, MA 01095
p: 413.596.3884
f: 413.599.1328