General Information

The Massachusetts School Choice Program was instituted in order to allow parents to send their children to schools in communities other than the city or town in which they reside. The Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District (HWRSD) participates in this program. Tuition is paid by the sending district to the receiving district. Each year, based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, the HWRSD School Committee votes on whether to accept new School Choice enrollments for the following school year; and, if so, in what grades and in which schools.  Notice on the availability of School Choice slots is typically made in March or April in local newspapers and on our website,


Links & Files:

For additional information contact the School Finance Office at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.



 At their meeting on March 20, 2025, the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School Committee will vote to accept students interested in attending school in the Hampden Wilbraham Regional School District under current Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 76, Section 12B (School Choice). The Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District will accept students in the following grades for the 2025-2026 school year.

      Green Meadows School- Grade 1         4 SEATS

                    Soule Road School- Grade 5                4 SEATS                       




Parents who want to enroll their child(ren) under School Choice must follow an application process. Once the School Committee has approved the School Choice plan for the next school year, applications are made available in April or May for enrollment in the fall. The HWRSD recently streamlined its application process and made it totally accessible online. Therefore, applications for the School Choice Program will be handled electronically, unless a hard copy is specifically requested. Instructions and the “fillable form" application is provided herewith.

Selection and Eligibility

The District will hold a lottery pursuant to General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 76, Section 12B, Paragraph J, to select students for enrollment in the School Choice Program. A sibling of a child currently attending school in HWRSD under School Choice will receive preference in the admissions lottery. Students who have been expelled from any other public school are ineligible for the School Choice Program.

Enrollment Agreement

All students enrolled under the School Choice Program

  • Are eligible to participate in the same programs and activities as resident students. Eligibility for interscholastic athletic competition will be determined by the rules of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA).
  • Are subject to all rules and regulations of the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District as outlined in the Handbook for Students and Families
  • Are responsible for their own transportation to and from school and transportation needs that result from participation in athletic, extracurricular and after-school activities.
  • Are considered students in the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District through 12th grade.

For additional information about the inter-district School Choice Program, contact the School Finance Office at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

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