Operating Norms

  • How We Govern

    We will make every reasonable effort to protect the integrity and promote the positive image of the District, one another and the School Committee as a body.

    We recognize that the primary functions of the Hampden Wilbraham Regional School Committee is to establish policies by which the schools are to be administered, to review and approve the District budget, and to select, evaluate and set the compensation for the Superintendent.

    We understand the importance of subcommittees and we and the Superintendent agree to utilize them to focus on specific topics in-depth and to prepare for presentations, deliberations and possible action by the School Committee.

    We recognize the School Committee’s governance over two townships and that schools within the Hampden-

    Wilbraham Regional School District shall be governed as one unit with reasonable equity among the schools.

    We understand that the administration and conduct of school business shall be left to the Superintendent.

    The Committee may refer to Robert’s Rules of Order for guidance when appropriate.

  • How We Relate to One Another

    We agree that it is the responsibility of the School Committee to set the tone for the entire school system, and we will make every effort to promote a positive image for our school system. The Superintendent will be visible in the community, and we will operate transparently and respectfully, maintaining confidentiality as appropriate,

    and will abide by the Open Meeting laws.

    We agree to thoughtfully seek and support solutions that will provide the greatest benefit to the students. 

    We agree to recognize and respect that member authority exists when a quorum of the Committee meets and not as individual Committee members.

    We agree that Committee members’ accountability to the school District must supersede any conflict a member may have with other committees, groups or organizations whether it be of a personal or business nature.

    We agree to exhibit professional conduct and behavior, treating everyone and differing opinions with dignity and respect.

    We agree to review, revise and reaffirm these operating norms on an annual basis.

  • How We Communicate

    We will make a strong effort to be well informed and to inform each other about issues facing the School Committee within the parameters of the open meeting law. 

    All School Committee members are encouraged to express their opinions and beliefs about issues. Discussions will be open and encourage candor and assume positive intent. We will work to build trust through active listening and by discussing facts and data.

    Legal questions should be forwarded to the Chairperson who may contact legal counsel as appropriate. In some instances an individual member may need to contact legal counsel directly. At that time, and if appropriate, the

    Chairperson should be informed prior to the call.

    Official positions of the School Committee will be communicated to the general public and media, unless an issue is delegated to another member, by the Chairperson... Members should realize public comments regarding school issues, even though represented as their own, are often construed to be the position of the body.

    School Committee members should be cognizant of the public perception of their views and positions and every effort should be made to clearly indicate that they speak for only themselves.

    Social media is another form of public comment and should be respected and used with caution.

    Endeavor to refrain from texting constituents or members during meetings.

  • How We Conduct Meetings

    During all committee meetings, we will strive for a consensus model of decision-making that promotes transparency, respectful dialogue and results in consensus decisions. We will maintain a districtwide “no excuses” attitude that focuses on raising expectations, promoting accountability and fostering student achievement. In our discussions, we will keep focused on the problem, respect the process as well as the product, and seek and remain open to different views.

    All Committee members will receive the needed information to make well-informed and balanced decisions. The intent is to provide each Committee member with the same information, but realizing this may not always be practical. Information will be provided as far in advance as possible in order to ensure proper time for feedback.

    We acknowledge that School Committee meetings are held in public and that effort will be given to make each meeting effective and efficient.

    Committee members can discuss any questions or concerns regarding agenda items with the Chairperson prior to meetings.

    It is the Committee member’s responsibility to inform the Chairperson when they will be late or absent. Every effort should be made to attend all meetings.

    The Committee will listen respectfully to issues brought to them by the community and may ask questions for clarification from the speaker. The School Committee will not deliberate or take action during Public Comment regarding an issue presented.

    The Chairperson may respond to concerns or issues brought to the Committee’s attention within a reasonable period of time and not always immediately following Public Comment.

    Executive Sessions are confidential and private and should not be discussed outside of the Committee until the meeting minutes have been made public.

Links and Files:

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Agendas

Recent Video

See past Videos on YouTube @erindowding8772

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